MapLink™ Procedures | Acceptance by Corporation

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Acceptance by Corporation
Acceptance By Corporation.
Authorization for the urban redevelopment corporation to proceed with the redevelopment plan shall be subject to the following:
A. Upon enactment of an ordinance approving a development plan, the City shall enter into a development contract with the corporation pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in this Article and the ordinance approving the development plan. The corporation shall not have any of the benefits of the ordinance approving the redevelopment plan until it has executed the development contract by its duly authorized officers.

B. A copy of the development contract between the City and the corporation for carrying out the development plan shall be recorded by the corporation in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of St. Louis County, and proof of such recording shall be filed with the City Clerk. True copies of the development plan approved by the Board by ordinance shall be retained with the authorizing ordinance by the City Clerk.

Compliance With Other City Ordinances.
A. Prior to the commencement of an approved redevelopment project, the corporation shall comply with all other applicable ordinances, including without limitation, as necessary, all procedures for rezoning, subdivision approval, street vacation and establishment.

B. The corporation shall pay when due and payable all such fees, licenses and other charges required by the ordinances of the City applicable to such corporation or the redevelopment project to be undertaken.

See Article XI: Urban Redevelopment Procedures for more detailed information.
Application Fee
There is no fee