MapLink™ Signs

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Signs that flash or move or otherwise change at intervals more frequently than once each six (6) seconds. Any sign that utilizes the appearance of movement using lighting to depict action or to create a special effect or scene. (Also see "electronic message centers.")
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Any pennant, propeller, spinner, ribbon, streamer, searchlight, balloon, inflatable sign (static), figurine, statue, or other similar device or ornamentation designed to or having the effect of attracting the attention of potential customers or the general public. An attention-getting device shall be considered a sign and shall meet all requirements of this chapter for a sign.
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Any sign attached to in any manner or otherwise made a part of any awning or awning-like structure, canopy, or other fabric, plastic, or structural protective cover which projects beyond a building or extends along and projects beyond the wall of the building, generally designed and constructed to provide protection from the weather.
Any sign constructed of lightweight fabric or similar material. Flags shall not be considered banners.
An outdoor sign advertising an article or product not manufactured, assembled, processed, repaired, or sold upon the premises upon which the sign is located or advertising a service not rendered upon the premises upon which the sign is located.
A wall sign in which all components are contained within a frame and not composed of individual letters.
A sign or portion thereof with characters, letters, or illustrations that can be changed or rearranged without altering the face or the surface of the sign (not including electronic message centers). A sign on which the message changes more than eight times per day shall be considered an animated sign or electronic message center and not a changeable copy sign for purposes of this article.
A sign which is designed and erected solely for the purpose of traffic or pedestrian direction and placed on the property (except as otherwise provided for in this article) to direct the public to building locations, parking areas, or specific areas of a property or overall development.
Any sign, or portion of a sign, capable of displaying electronic content where the rate of change is electronically programmed and can be modified by electronic processes. An electronic message center or display may include computer programmable, microprocessor, or controlled electronic or digital video displays and the images can be produced from LED technology, fiber optics, light bulbs, or other illumination devices within the display area. Electronic message centers do not include projected images or messages projected onto buildings or other objects.
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Any sign that is cut into masonry or other surfaces.
Any surface of a sign upon, against, or through which the message is displayed or illustrated on the sign.
A cloth with colors, patterns, and/or symbols, etc.
Signs that have flashing lights or intermittent illumination, except as otherwise defined herein, including signs that draw attention to speed limits, stop signs, fire stations, school zones and similar governmental or public uses.
Any sign which has the top part of its face less than 10 feet above the ground and which is erected on the ground.
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Any sign made of cardboard, poster board, paper, plywood, or other similar material, including any sign with handwritten text or symbols.
Any sign, which has characters, letters, figures, designs, or outlines illuminated by electric lights or luminous tubes as a part of the sign proper. Such lighting may be internal to the sign structure or external to the sign face, but part of the sign structure or mounting.
A sign that has the lowest part of its face at least eight (8) feet above the ground and which is designed to be attached to or a part of a light standard principally designed for illuminating a street, parking, or public space area.
Any structure attached to a building often forming a canopy or porte cochere over a building entry attached at the building face and suspended from above or supported with posts or columns, or a freestanding structure, with one (1) or more supports, onto which signage is affixed or incorporated.
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A sign generally having a low profile with little or no open space between the ground and the sign and having a significant base constructed of materials such as brick, stucco, stonework, textured wood, tile, or textured concrete, or other similar materials that are compatible with the primary structure on the building.
The standard unit of brightness for electronic and digital signage. The nit, also known as "candelas per square meter," is a unit of measurement for the total brightness over one (1) square meter of an LED display. It is a measure of the light being emitted by the sign in contrast to foot-candles which measure the brightness of the surface area or object that is being lighted.
Any sign that does not conform to the requirements of this article.
Any sign that is no longer relating to current activities on a premises or lot.
All industrial, commercial and mercantile signs advertising the business on its premises or any of its activities, including permanent theater signs.
Any lightweight plastic, fabric, or other material whether or not containing a message of any kind, suspended from a rope, wire, or string, usually in series, designed to move in the wind. Flags are not considered pennants for the purposes of this definition.
Any sign, which has the lowest part of its face, at least ten (10) feet above the ground and which is supported by a freestanding pole except as noted in Section 26-33D.7, Pole Signs, herein.
Any sign not permanently affixed to the ground or other permanent structure. Also, a sign designed to be transported, including, but not limited to: signs designed to be transported by means of wheels, signs converted to A- or T-frames, menu and sandwich board signs, balloons, umbrellas, and signs attached to or painted on vehicles parked and visible from the public right-of-way. Any sign designed to be transported, which has had its means of transportation removed (wheels, trailer, etc.), shall still be considered a portable sign.
A sign which uses one (1) or more visible posts and is unlighted.
Any sign projecting outwardly from the building.
Any sign that has changeable or removable lettering, with the exception of marquee signs.
Any sign placed at or near the entrance of a residential subdivision.
Any sign painted, erected, constructed and maintained upon the roof of any building, including wall signs or projecting signs attached to a building wall, that extend above the roofline.
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Any letter, figure, design, symbol, trademark, panel, device or structure designed or intended to convey information to the public in written or pictorial form, including without limitation, billboard, banner sign, directional sign, ground sign, monument sign, portable sign, pole sign, wall sign, roof sign, projecting sign, temporary sign, marquee, awning, canopy, when placed out of doors or in show display windows intended to be visible from the outside.
The total area of the space to be used for advertising purposes, including the spaces between open-type letters and figures, including the background structure, or other decoration or addition which is an integral part of the sign. Sign supports shall be excluded in determining the area of a sign. The total allowable area for a double-faced sign, where the two (2) faces are not substantially parallel, shall be equal to the allowable area for a single faced sign. See Section 26-33, Design And Location Standards, Subsection A, Computation Of Area.
The molding, battens, cappings, nailing strips, latticing, and platforms which are attached to the sign structure.
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Signs which are not permanent in nature and typically are installed for a period of ninety (90) days or less.
An on-premises sign with unique identifying characteristics that, as designated by the Planning Commission, contributes to the historical or cultural character of the neighborhood, City, or region and designated in Section 26-33, Design And Location Standards Subsection D.22, Vintage Signs, of this Article.
Any sign affixed to the front, side or rear wall of any building and parallel to the face of the wall.
Any sign that is intended to be viewed through a show display window.
Computation of area. Except is may be otherwise provided for in this section, the computation of sign area shall be as follows:
1. General area calculation. Signs mounted on or displayed as a standard geometrical shape shall be measured by the standard mathematical formula for that shape. Signs mounted on or displayed as an irregular shape shall be measured by the smallest area of up to two (2) standard geometrical shapes that can encompass the entire sign mounting.
026 General Sign Area.tif
Figure 26-33-1. General Sign Area
Signs are measured based upon the basic shapes or a combination or multiple shapes. Displayed are examples of how a sign is measured and real examples of signs and they could be measured.

2. Detached signs. The area of the sign shall be computed by the entire area of the face of the structure, cabinet, or module enclosed by the border of the frame.

3. Wall, window, or other building-mounted signs. Any building-mounted sign mounted on a background shall be measured by the area of the background. If mounted directly on the wall, the area shall be computed by means of the smallest single and continuous perimeter of up to two (2) standard geometric shapes that enclose the outer limits of the writing, emblem, or other display. Gaps in writing, emblems, or other display greater than two (2) times the height of the sign area, when using the same single continuous perimeter above, may be subtracted from the calculation of the sign area but shall be interpreted as two (2) signs. The area of the wall or window area for the purposes of determining an allowed percentage shall be the total surface of the wall or window visible in an elevation view.
026 Bldg Mounted Signs.tif
Figure 26-33-2. Building-Mounted Signs
Building-mounted signs can be measured as one (1) sign or two (2) depending on the distance between the two. If the sign distance exceeds two (2) times the height of the sign, it is measured as two (2) signs could be measured.

4. Double-faced signs. Where the sign faces of a double-faced sign are no more than three (3) feet apart at any location, only one (1) face will be measured in computing sign area. If the two (2) faces of a double-faced sign are of unequal area, the area of the sign will be the area of the larger face. In all other cases, the areas of all faces of a multifaced sign or the surface area of objects will be added together to compute the area of the sign.

Computation of height and location.

1. Height. The height of a sign shall be computed as the distance from the base of the sign at normal grade to the top of the highest attached component of the sign. Normal grade shall be the newly established grade after construction, exclusive of any filling, berming, mounding, or excavating solely for the purpose of locating the sign. In cases in which the normal grade cannot reasonably be determined, sign height shall be computed on the assumption that the elevation of the normal grade at the base of the sign is equal to the elevation of the nearest point of the crown of a public street or the grade of the land at the principal entrance to the principal structure on the lot, whichever is lower.

2. Location.
a. Signs shall be located on private property, unless otherwise permitted in this chapter.
b. No sign shall be located within the thirty-foot sight distance triangle, of any corner lot as defined in Article II, Section 26-5, Defined terms, of this chapter or within a similar area at the intersection of any property entry drive intersection with a public street.

Quantity of signs per business. Signage related to business locations shall be limited to the quantities stipulated below:

1. Each individual building or structure occupied by one business shall be allowed a maximum of two (2) signs, which may be a wall sign, a projecting sign, a ground sign or a pole sign, provided that there shall not be more than one (1) sign per type, except as detailed in Subsection C.2.

2. For a business located on a lot with multiple street or parking frontages, one (1) wall sign may be permitted on each street/parking side of the building, one (1) projecting sign may be permitted on each street/parking side of the building, and one (1) pole sign or ground sign on such lot may be permitted, provided that there shall not be more than two (2) types of signs.

3. Where more than one (1) business has a separate exterior entrance to a building, each business shall be allowed two (2) signs, one of which may be a wall sign and the other of which may be an under-canopy sign or a sign as described under Section 26-33, Design and location standards, Subsection D.9, Standards and requirements by sign types; Shopping center signs, herein, if applicable.

4. Two nonilluminated signs may be lettered on the glass show window or entry door of each storefront of a business, as described under Section 26-33 (Design and location standards), Subsection D.5, Standards and requirements by sign types; Window signs.

5. A canopy or awning sign may be substituted for a permitted wall sign upon determination by the Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission of a hardship warranting such sign, provided that such sign is in compliance with all of the requirements of this chapter and such sign:
a. Maintains a clearance of at least thirteen (13) feet above grade where there will be vehicular traffic beneath it or maintains a clearance of ten (10) feet above grade where there will be pedestrian traffic beneath it.

b. Is painted or is of the same material as the awning or canopy when the sign is applied to cloth or similar material.

c. Is not internally illuminated.
6. The limitation as to the number of signs shall not include window signs, directional signs, signs directly facing the ordering area at a drive-through restaurant, or monument or ground signs that identify a shopping center, business, park, or multitenant development.

Permit required. No sign shall be erected, nor the location of any existing sign changed, until the Director of Public Works has issued a permit.
1. An application for a sign permit shall be accompanied by plans and specifications. The plans and specifications must be drawn to scale and shall include the dimensions, material, and details of construction of the proposed sign, together with an accurate colored rendering of the proposed sign. A site plan of the property and/or building elevations indicating where the sign(s) is(are) to be located must also be provided.

2. Before a permit can be granted for the installation of any sign, the applicant for said permit must submit evidence of an agreement signed by the owner or owners of said property granting permission to the applicant to install said sign and binding said owner or owners, their heirs and assigns irrevocably to permit the City through its agents to enter on said real property for the purpose of removing said sign or signs as provided under the provisions of this chapter, and waiving and holding the City harmless from any damage to said real property occasioned by said sign removal.

3. Vintage signs. In addition to the general application requirements in this section for a sign permit, an application requesting vintage sign designation or modification shall require:
a. Detailed drawings and/or photographs of the sign in its current condition;
b. Written narrative and supporting documentation demonstrating how the sign meets the applicable criteria;
c. Detailed drawings of any modifications being sought;
d. Detailed drawings of any relocation being sought; and
e. Historic and current photographs of the sign.
4. The Director of Public Works may prescribe suitable regulations not inconsistent with the provisions of this section concerning the form and content of all applications for the various types of permits herein required.

Permit fees. A permit is required for the erection of signs.
1. Before the issuance of each required sign permit, a fee in the amount established by the Board of Aldermen shall be paid to the City.

2. For each temporary sign requiring a permit, the fee shall be in the amount established by the Board of Aldermen.

3. The provisions of the building code and electrical code of the City shall govern the construction, alteration, and maintenance of all signs.

4. If the sign is illuminated, an electrical permit and inspection by St. Louis County shall be required.

Permit fee exceptions. Signs listed in Section 26-35: Exemptions And Prohibitions, Subsection A, Exemptions, of this Article are not subject to payment of permit fees and may be erected according to the standards provided for therein.

Maintenance. All signs shall be maintained in good repair.
1. Signs and their related support structures must be free of rust, peeling, flaking, fading, broken or cracked surfaces, and broken or missing letters. Every supporting structure shall be kept in an upright condition. Electronic message centers or displays shall have properly functioning electronic components.

2. Where upon inspection by the Director of Public Works, or their designee, it has been determined that any sign requires maintenance or repair, written notice to the owner, the tenant, and/or the managing agent of the property on which any such sign is located shall be given by the Director of Public Works. The property owner, tenant, and/or managing agent of the property shall be provided with a period of 30 days in which to correct the condition. The Director of Public Works shall have the ability to grant, in writing, an extension of not more than 30 days.

3. Signs which are not properly maintained, and which have not been repaired within the time period as specified in Section 26-36A.2 above, will be subject to removal in accord with the provisions of Section 26-36B of this Section below.
Signs and devices prohibited. The following signs and devices are prohibited in the City:
1. Conflicting signs. Signs or devices, which by color, location, or design resemble or conflict with traffic control signs or devices;

2. Exterior use of advertising devices, such as: pennants affixed on poles, wires, or ropes, streamers, wind-operated devices, inflatables, searchlights, flashing lights, and any other type of fluttering devices, except flags, as defined in Section 26-32, Definitions, shall not be prohibited by this subsection.

3. Letters or pictures in the form of advertising printed or applied directly on the wall of a building;

4. Paper posters and painted signs applied directly to the wall of a building or pole or other support, except for signage approved by the Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission as set forth in Section 26-35: Exemptions And Prohibitions, Subsection C, Signs And Devices Requiring Approval Of The Planning Commission, of this Article;

5. Signs painted on the inside or outside of windows, not including etched glass;

6. Signs advertising an article or product not manufactured, assembled, processed, repaired, or sold upon the premises upon which the sign is located, unless otherwise permitted by ordinance;

7. Signs advertising a service not rendered on the premises upon which the sign is located, unless otherwise permitted by ordinance;

8. Revolving signs of any type;
9. Signs in residential districts, except as otherwise permitted herein;
10. Signs with more than two (2) faces;
11. Roof signs;
12. Banners, pennants, or flags suspended from an awning;

13. Exterior banner signs, except as provided in Section 26-33D.2, Banner Signs;

14. Signs placed in such a way as to create a traffic hazard;

15. Portable signs, except as provided in Section 26-33D.15, Reader Board Signs;

16. Signs that display obscene, indecent, or immoral matters as defined in Section 573.010, RSMo., as amended;

17. Signs erected or maintained in such a manner that prevents free ingress to or egress from any door, window, or fire escape. No sign of any kind shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape;

18. Ground or wall signs lighted with gooseneck or other types of external reflectors erected and maintained in a manner that creates glare upon the street, access drives, adjacent property, or may impact the vision of pedestrians on adjacent sidewalks;

19. Signs with exposed raceways; and
20. Post and panel signs.

Removal. Signs are subject to removal in accord with the provisions and procedures as follows:
1. The following signs are subject to removal:
a. Signs which are found to be unsafe and capable of creating a hazard to persons or property;

b. Signs which are prohibited under Section 26-35B, Signs and devices prohibited, hereof;

c. Signs which are erected without a permit, if required under the sign code;

d. Signs for which required fees have not been paid; and

e. Signs that are not maintained in accordance with the requirements of Section 26-36A, Maintenance, of this Section and this Article or other applicable City Code requirements.
2. The Director of Public Works, or their designee, shall give written notice to the owner or the managing agent of the property on which any such sign is located, directing its removal within seven (7) days and informing such owner or managing agent that, if the sign is not removed within such designated period, the Director of Public Works, or his/her designee, shall cause it to be removed and the costs charged as a special tax bill. If the sign is not timely removed, the Director of Public Services, or his/her designee, shall file a property lien with St. Louis County, cause the same to be removed and certify the costs to the City Clerk and Code Enforcement Officer. The Code Enforcement Officer shall file a property lien with St. Louis County against the property, Any such tax bill, if not paid, shall bear interest at the rate of the prime rate plus one percent (1%).

3. The City, and any of its officials, is authorized to go upon any premises for the purpose of removal of any sign under the provisions hereof. Signs so removed shall be retained by the City for a period of thirty (30) days and, if payment of all expenses of the City in connection with such removal are paid within such period, shall be returned to the owner. If not so claimed within such period of time, the City may dispose of such sign in any manner, by destroying, or selling same.

4. In addition to the procedures herein authorized, any person failing to remove any such sign upon notification to do so shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalties provided for violation of City ordinances.

1. Any person whose application for a permit for a sign has been denied may file an appeal with, and seek a sign variance from, the Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission. An application for a sign variance shall be accompanied by a filing fee in an amount established by the Board of Aldermen. The Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission may not grant a sign variance unless it finds that the granting of such a sign variance will alleviate a hardship or difficulty, that such hardship or difficulty is of such substance and magnitude as to warrant such a sign variance, that the public interest is secured and that the spirit of the sign code is observed. The Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission may impose such conditions, as it deems necessary to safeguard surrounding property and to prevent a misuse of the sign variance. Any person whose request for a sign variance has been denied by the Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission may seek a review of such denial by the Board of Aldermen by filing a written request for review with the City Clerk within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notification of denial from the Department of Public Works. The same standards for granting a sign variance by the Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission shall apply for review by the Board of Aldermen. Five (5) affirmative votes shall be required for the Board of Aldermen to approve a sign variance.

2. Any person aggrieved by the approval of any permit by the enforcement official may appeal to the Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission when it is alleged that such permit violates any provision of the sign code. The Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission may revoke such permit upon a finding that such sign does not comply with all of the requirements of the sign code.

Limitations on sign variances. Variances shall only be granted for the size, location, and number of signs. Variances will not be granted for prohibited signs.
Electronic message centers or displays (hereinafter referred to as "display"). In order to provide for the safe and appropriate use of electronic message display signs, and the installation of signs containing such components, the regulations as follows are intended to ensure that the use of such signs will not have a detrimental effect on the surrounding area or the public welfare and will be consistent with the purpose and intent of this article and this chapter. The requirements for electronic message centers are only applicable to signs installed after the effective date of this Code section. Existing electronic message centers which were approved by the Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission prior to the effective date of this Code section are allowed to continue to operate until such time as the sign becomes non-operational or is substantially modified.
a. Electronic message display signs shall be subject to the site plan review and approval process or development plan review process of Article III, Applications And Procedures, Section 26-10, Planned Development, or Section 26-12, Major Site Plan And Design Review, of this Chapter and subject to approval of a conditional use permit in accord with the provisions of Article III, Applications And Procedures, Section 26-11, Conditional Use Permit, of this Chapter.

b. Modes of operation. The following modes of operation are described for electronic message signs:
(1) Static: signs which include no animation or effects simulating animation.

(2) Fade: signs where static messages are changed by means of varying light intensity, where the first message gradually reduces intensity to the point of not being legible and the subsequent message gradually increases in intensity to the point of legibility.

(3) Dissolve: signs where static messages are changed by means of varying light intensity or pattern, where the first message gradually appears to dissipate and lose legibility simultaneous to the gradual appearance and legibility of the subsequent message.

(4) Traveling: signs where the message is changed by the apparent horizontal movement of the letters or graphic elements of the message.

(5) Scrolling: signs where the message is changed by the apparent vertical movement of the letters or graphic elements of the message.

(6) Animation/video: signs that incorporate animation elements to the message display or contain video including such elements that are repeated or change on a recurring basis.
c. Standards. The following describes standards for the installation and use of electronic message display signs:
(1) Zoning Districts. Electronic message display signs shall be permitted in any zoning district subject to meeting the standards and criteria described herein and the requirements of Section 26-33: Design And Location Standards, Subsection D, Standards And Requirements By Sign Type, of this Article and as may be applicable to the other requirements for the type of sign in which the electronic message is to be incorporated (i.e., ground, monument, or pole types).

(2) Message displayed. Electronic message displays may display text, a graphic, such as a company logo, or a photograph, or a combination thereof. No scrolling, animation, video, horizontal or vertical traveling, fade or dissolve of the overall message or within elements of the overall message display is permitted.

(3) Transitions. Electronic message display signs shall be operated in static display mode only, except for transitions between messages which shall be instantaneous. There shall be no video, animation, fades, dissolves, traveling, or scrolling between messages.

(4) Display time. Electronic message display signs shall be permitted to change their message no more than once every thirty (30) seconds.

(5) Size. The area of the electronic display panel shall not be more than fifty (50) square feet in size or seventy-five percent (75%) of the total area of the sign, whichever is more restrictive.

(6) Electronic message displays must be designed and equipped to immediately freeze the display in one (1) position or discontinue if a malfunction occurs.

(7) No sounds can be emitted from an electronic message center.

(8) Height. The maximum height, as measured from the prevailing grade to the top of the electronic message display panel on a ground-mounted sign will be ten (10) feet, for any pole sign shall be two and one half (2 1/2) times the largest sign face dimension, but not higher than twenty-eight (28) feet.
d. Hours of operation. Where electronic message display signs may face residential property in adjacent residential zoning districts, such displays shall be turned off between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. or by a time established in conjunction with the conditional use permit review and approval process.

e. Sign type. Electronic message display signs may be incorporated into freestanding (ground or pole) signs.

f. Number. Only one (1) electronic message display sign shall be allowed as part of a shopping center sign, and only one (1) such sign shall be permitted per street frontage for a shopping center. For individual uses, only one (1) electronic message display sign shall be permitted on the premises per use.

g. Distance from residential use. Electronic message display signs shall not be located within one hundred (100) feet of any residence or residential zoning district as measured from the sign to the property line of the residential use, provided that this Subsection D.8.g shall not be applicable to churches or public schools within residential zoning districts, or within 100 feet of a residential zoning district.

h. Distance from other signs. Electronic message display signs must be spaced a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) feet from other electronic message display signs.

i. Base construction material. All electronic message display signs shall have a sign base consisting of masonry or concrete substructure with an exterior base consisting of a durable masonry material, or other material cohesive with the building or primary structure approved by the Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission. Durable masonry materials allowed on the exterior base shall include stone, rock, brick, marble, or granite, but shall not include plain concrete. Materials other than durable masonry may be allowed on the exterior base upon a finding that such material would be cohesive with the building or primary structure.

j. Lighting intensity and color. Daytime lighting intensity must automatically reset to a lower level for nighttime hours. To ensure compliance with this subsection, the sign must have an automatic brightness control linked to ambient light levels.
(1) Brightness. Electronic message display shall come equipped with dimming technology that automatically adjusts the display's brightness based on ambient light conditions and complies with maximum nighttime brightness levels and may be adjusted to lower levels if, upon determination by the Director of Public Works, the display is deemed to represent an adverse impact on adjoining property or a hazard to public safety.

(2) Electronic message display signs shall not exceed a maximum illumination of three hundred (300) nits or five hundred (500) foot-candles during nighttime hours (between dusk and dawn) and a maximum illumination of five thousand (5,000) nits or five thousand (5,000) foot-candles during daylight hours.

(3) Prior to the issuance of any permit, the owner shall provide the City with a certification from the sign manufacturer stating that the sign is capable of complying with the requirements Subsection D.8.j(1) and (2) above.

(4) Video or message displays that contain large background areas of bright white or other high-intensity colors are prohibited.

(5) The owner of an electronic message center shall arrange for an annual certification of the light output standards established in Section 26-33D.8.j, Lighting Intensity And Color, above, of this Article showing compliance by an independent contractor and provide said certification to the City of Crestwood.
k. Electronic message display signs with under twenty (20) square feet of sign area, which are ancillary in use, and which are not legible from vehicles traveling on the right-of-way are exempt from Subsection D.8.a and c through i of this Section. Such signs may be erected and modified without an application for site plan review or for a conditional use permit.
Intent. The intent of this article is to regulate and control the location, erection, number, and maintenance of signs and matters relating thereto within the City of Crestwood in order to promote public safety, health, and general welfare of the community, without infringing upon the rights granted by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America and Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution of the State of Missouri. These regulations are specifically designed to:
1. Provide uniform regulation and orderly development of signs consistent with established policies and ordinances of the City.

2. Preserve the unique character of the City as reflected in distinct commercial and industrial areas by ensuring signs contribute to an appropriate sense of place.

3. Enhance the visual quality of commercial and industrial areas by giving visual priority to buildings, open spaces, streetscapes, and landscape.

4. Ensure safety of pedestrians, motorists or other users of the public rights-of-way and open spaces by ensuring signs are maintained and structurally safe, do not distract or reduce the effectiveness of public safety signs, and do not represent traffic hazards by virtue of their placement and lighting.

5. Promote economic viability by assuring that the City will be a visually pleasant place to visit, conduct business, and live.

6. Provide effective and efficient identification and communication for businesses without excessive competition for visual attention.

7. Protect property values by minimizing adverse effects of signs on adjacent property, which can occur from conditions such as light trespass, obstructing the views and access, or visual clutter and blight.

8. Allow signs that are compatible with their surroundings and aid in orientation.

9. Prohibit the placement of signs that contribute to sign clutter or conceal or obstruct adjacent land uses or signs; to preclude signs from conflicting with the principal permitted use of the site and adjoining sites; and to minimize the possible adverse effect of signs on nearby public and private property.

10. Reduce visual clutter that may otherwise be caused by the proliferation, improper placement, illumination, animation, excessive height, and excessive size (area) of signs which compete for the attention of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

Applicability. This article shall apply in the following scenarios:
1. All new signs and replacement of existing signs shall require a sign permit demonstrating compliance with these sign standards, unless exempt from a permit by Section 26-34, Permit requirements and exceptions of this article.

2. Ordinary maintenance, care or repair of existing signs, or change of copy without altering the essential construction elements of an existing sign shall not require a permit for zoning and design standards, but any electrical or building code issues may require permitting.

3. New commercial or industrial development, redevelopment, or rehabilitation involving multiple buildings or buildings comprising multiple tenants and any development subject to site plan or development plan review in conjunction with Article III, Section 26-10, Planned development, or Section 26-12, Major site plan and design review, as required by the zoning district provisions of Article IV, Section 26-16, Standards applicable to all districts, Subsection B, Exceptions and supplemental standards, and Article IV, Section 26-18, Watson Road Overlay Area, applicable to the Watson Road Overlay Area shall include information to indicate the type, size, and location of all signage in compliance with the provisions of Section 26-33, Design and location standards of this article and the design standards.

Exemptions. Unless elsewhere specified in this article, the following signs are exempt from the preceding requirements contained in Section 26-34, Permit requirements and exceptions of this article:
1. A sign which is not illuminated and, if in a residential district (R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, or R-5), does not exceed eight (8) square feet in area, and if in any other district, does not exceed thirty two (32) square feet. Only one such sign may be placed on the lot or premises except that two (2) such signs may be placed on double frontage lots. One (1) additional sign is permitted on residential properties for a period of no more than twenty-four (24) hours;

2. Temporary signs not over twenty-five (25) square feet for non-residential uses in a residential district (R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, or R-5);

3. One (1) additional sign consistent with the requirements of Subsection A1 above, per street frontage if a construction project is underway or has been completed within the last fourteen (14) days on the lot or premises on which the sign is placed. Such signs may not be illuminated signs and may not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in surface area in residential districts, or thirty-two (32) square feet in surface area in commercial districts;

4. Traffic or other municipal signs, and any signs required by federal, state, or local law, court order or legal process;

5. Yard signs.
a. Yard signs shall not exceed twenty-five (25) square feet, and there may be no more than one (1) of the same sign per street frontage. Additional ground signs are permitted under this subsection during an election season; however, two or more identical signs are not permitted Any additional sign permitted during an election season, which is not removed after the end of an election season, shall be considered a prohibited sign.

b. A yard sign may be placed on City property used as a polling place; the signs are only allowed from 8:00 p.m. on the day prior to the vote until 7:00 a.m. of the day following the vote. Signs placed on City property outside of these times will be promptly removed.
6. Professional nameplates not exceeding three (3) square feet in area;

7. Window signs;

8. Occupational signs not over four (4) square feet in area (on building); and

9. Signs erected inside a building.

Signs and devices requiring approval of the Planning Commission. The following signs and devices require approval of the Planning Commission prior to receiving a permit:
1. Box signs used as wall signs.
2. Signs on parking lot light standards.
3. Marquee signs.

4. Signs containing flashers, animators, or mechanical movement or contrivances of any kind.

5. Professionally painted signs on sheet metal and affixed to the wall, but limited to the rear of commercial businesses whose property is adjacent to Grant's Trail. Such signs, if approved by Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission, cannot exceed fifty (50) square feet in size.

6. Vintage signs.