Note: An overlay map of this area is unavailable at this time.
Purpose. The Watson Road Overlay Area (WROA) is intended, by site plan approval, design standards, supplemental standards, and other procedures hereinafter set forth, to provide for the development of retail, office, business and personal service, and multifamily uses for an area along either side of the Watson Road Corridor in the City of Crestwood. It is intended to work in conjunction with the existing regulations of this chapter to foster a higher quality of architecture and site design that creates a distinct character for the area and promotes an inviting, pedestrian-friendly environment. The purposes of this area designation include the following goals and objectives:
1. Limit permitted uses for smaller parcels to encourage and promote property assembly for larger, planned development.
2. Create a pedestrian-friendly, walkable environment with clear and ample access to the City, the Great Rivers Greenway trail system, and nearby parks.
3. Encourage building placement and design along with site design that encourages creation of a sense of place and that fosters an overall appearance supporting the Watson Road Corridor as destination location.
4. Promote a mix of land uses and density that creates an identity for the area and can offer the potential to create a live/work environment that can take advantage of the WROA's proximity to public transit.
5. Encourage increased private investment.
6. Provide benefit to existing property owners though the increased value of land that these regulations promote.
Area and applicability. These provisions of this section shall apply to:
1. All properties with frontage to the north or south side of Watson Road within the City of Crestwood.
2. All development within the WROA area involving:
a. New construction on a vacant or cleared site;
b. Rehabilitation or renovation of an existing building/structure which requires a building permit, and of existing structures which exceeds current market value of the land and improvements according to the most recent St. Louis County Assessor market valuation by more than fifty (50%); or
c. Developments which are no longer a legally non-conforming use in accord with the provisions of Section
26-19: Non-Conforming Situations of this Article.
3. In addition, a site plan or development plan approval based on the following:
a. If the project is located within the portion of the WROA zoned C-1 Commercial District or M-1 Light Industrial District, a site plan shall be required in conjunction with the provisions of Article
III, Applications And Procedures, Section
26-12, Major Site Plan And Design Review, or Section
26-13, Minor Site Plan, of this Chapter as may be applicable;
b. If the project is proposed to be developed in accord the planned development provisions of this Chapter, a preliminary and final development plan in accord with the provisions of Article
III, Application and Procedures, Section
26-10, Planned Development, shall be required.