MapLink™ Procedures | Alternative Parking Plans

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Alternative Parking Plans
A. Scope. See Section 26-30A for details.
B. Applicability. See Section 26-30B for details.

C. Contents. Alternative parking plans must be submitted in a form established by the Director of Public Works and/or the City Planner and made available to the public in accordance with notification requirements set forth in Article III, Applications And Procedures, Section 26-12F, Review Criteria, of this Chapter. At a minimum, such plans must detail the type of alternative proposed and the rationale for such a proposal, including any supporting research or documentation required by the Director of Public Works and/or City Planner.

D. Review And Approval. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve, approve with conditions, or deny alternative parking plans in accordance with the site plan review procedure of Article III, Applications And Procedures, Section 26-12, Major Site Plan And Design Review, of this Chapter.
1. Alternative parking plans will be given priority consideration that encourages ease of pedestrian access from the nearest public right-of-way.

E. Approval Criteria. The Planning Commission is authorized to approve an alternative parking plan as provided herein if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission that the proposed plan:
1. Will not substantially increase traffic hazards or congestion;
2. Will not adversely affect the character of surrounding commercial uses or adjacent residential uses or of the neighborhood;
3. Will not substantially increase fire hazards or make difficult access by fire and emergency services;
4. Will not adversely affect the general welfare of the community; and
5. Will not overtax public utilities.

F. Shared Parking. See Section 26-30F for detailed information.

G. Special Facilities For Bicyclists. The Planning Commission may authorize up to a fifteen percent (15%) reduction in the number of required off-street parking spaces for developments or uses that make special provisions to accommodate bicyclists. Examples of eligible accommodations include, but are not limited to enclosed bicycle lockers, employee shower facilities, dressing areas for employees, and on-site public bicycle sharing stations. A reduction in required vehicle parking does not entitle the applicant to a reduction in required bicycle parking.

H. Transit Accessibility. The Planning Commission may authorize up to a twenty-five percent (25%) reduction in parking ratios for uses located within one thousand (1,000) feet of a transit stop with ninety-minute or more frequent service during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

I. Pervious Parking Surfaces. The Director of Public Works may authorize a portion of required off-street parking spaces be provided on pervious surfaces, to be approved by the Planning Commission.

J. Valet Parking. The Planning Commission may authorize adequate means of valet parking as a means of satisfying up to one hundred percent (100%) of otherwise applicable off-street parking ratios, assuming the findings in Subsection E, above, are met.

K. Landscaping Of Recovered Areas. Areas of the site recovered by an approved alternate parking plan, and not used for permanent structures, shall be landscaped in accordance with Article V, Site And Landscape Design Standards of this Chapter.

L. Transportation Demand Management Activities Program. See Section 26-30L for detailed information.

M. Off-Site Parking. The Planning Commission may authorize any off-street parking spaces to be located on a remote and separate lot from the lot on which the principal use is located, subject to the standards of this Section. Off-site parking space may be located no more than one thousand (1,000) feet from the primary entrance of the use served to the nearest parking space, measured along the shortest legal, practical walking route. This distance limitation may be modified by the Director of Public Services if adequate assurances are offered that van or shuttle service will be operated between the shared lot and the principal use.
1. Zoning Classification. Off-site parking areas are accessory to the principal uses that the parking spaces serve. Off-site parking areas require the same or a more intensive zoning classification than that required for the most intensive of the served by the off-site parking area unless approved as a conditional use permit pursuant to Article III, Applications And Procedures, Section 26-11, Conditional Use Permit.

2. Off-Site Parking Agreement. An agreement providing for the use of off-site parking, executed by the parties involved, must be filed with the Director of Public Works, in a form approved by the City Attorney.

N. Car-Share Vehicles. See Section 26-30N for detailed information.