MapLink™ Procedures | Other Accessory Structures Or Outbuildings

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Other Accessory Structures Or Outbuildings
No detached accessory building shall be erected within the City unless a permit has been issued by the Director of Public Works or his or her designee.
(1) An application for such permit shall be filed along with a site plan containing the following information:
(a) The address of the property.
(b) The name of all streets bounding the property.
(c) The size and location of all buildings on the property, as dimensioned from the property lines.
(d) The location of the proposed detached accessory building, as dimensioned from the property lines.
(e) The location of the driveways and parking areas.
(f) A description of the adjacent properties.
(g) A North arrow.
(h) A drawing scale.

(2) The application and/or site plan shall clearly show the location of the detached accessory building to be erected and the material which is to be used. Denial of a permit for the erection of a detached accessory building shall be subject to review by the Board of Adjustment. No permit shall be required to repair an existing detached accessory building.

See Section 26-17F and Section 26-17F.4 for more detailed information.