A. Applicability.
1. The minor site plan process ensures that routine development projects meet the development and design standards of this chapter and all other standards applicable to the property, but requires a less extensive review and approval process. An application for a minor site plan may be filed by an eligible applicant as defined in
§ 26-8A.3.a and payment of the filing fee as required by
§ 26-8A.2, and submission of a site plan meeting the requirements of §
26-12 (Major site plan and design review), Subsection
C (Required data), of this article as may be applicable. The minor site plan process does not apply to detached houses or duplexes, but applies to all other buildings and sites, unless the proposal is subject to review under §
a. Structural alterations to an existing building that do not change the footprint.
b. Any expansion of an existing building footprint that is 15% or less.
c. Any site development component, building footprint increase, or change of use which expands the existing impervious surface 25% or less.
d. Any change of permitted use which does not present a significant change in the ability to comply with access and parking requirements of this chapter and does not significantly impact traffic conditions near the site.
. Significant exterior design alterations to an existing building that do not change the footprint, but may include things such as refacing or changing exterior materials, altering the composition of the facade by changing patterns of windows and doors, and/or changing architectural details and ornamentation.
2. The Director of Public Services may determine that any application meeting these eligibility criteria represents a significant change or potential impact on the area, or presents substantial interpretation questions on the application of development standards, and is not eligible for the minor site plan process. The Director of Public Services may determine that such applications must be reviewed through the full site plan and design review process.
B. Preapplication meeting. Zoning Map amendments (rezoning) are subject to the requirements of §
C. Review criteria. A minor site plan shall be reviewed according to the following criteria:
1. In general, any site plan in compliance with all requirements of this Code shall be approved.
2. The Director of Public Services shall review the application as provided by §
26-8D and shall make a recommendation regarding the application to the Planning Commission, which shall approve or deny the application. In making a determination of compliance, or for site plans accompanying any discretionary review or administrative relief, the Director of Public Services and the Planning Commission shall consider whether:
a. The site is capable of accommodating the buildings, proposed use, access and other site design elements required by this Code and will not negatively impact the function and design of rights-of-way or adjacent property.
b. The design and arrangement of buildings and open spaces is consistent with good planning, landscape design, and site engineering principles and practices.
c. The architecture and building design uses quality materials and the style is appropriate for the context considering the proportion, massing, and scale of different elements of the building.
d. The overall design is compatible to the context considering the location and relationships of other buildings, open spaces, natural features, or site design elements.
e. Whether any additional site-specific conditions are necessary to meet the intent of the zoning district or the intent and design objectives of any of the applicable development standards.
f. The findings of §
26-12 (Major site plan and design review), Subsection G (Findings and approval), of this article can be made.
3. The application meets the criteria for all other reviews needed to build the project as proposed. The Planning Commission shall review the application and take action as set forth in §
D. Effect of decision.
1. Approval of a minor site plan shall authorize the applicant to apply for a building permit, and other applicable permits. An approved minor site plan shall expire and be of no further effect if an application for a building permit for one or more buildings shown on the site plan is not filed within one year of the approval. The Director of Public Services may grant an extension for up to one additional year.
2. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, or permit authorizing the use of the property in question, the property owner shall record a copy of the approved site plan, legal description of the property, out-boundary survey, and all other plan sheets, along with any subsequent amendments, with the County Recorder of Deeds.
E. Appeal. Appeal of the Planning Commission's decision can be made to the Board of Aldermen in accordance with the procedures outlined in §
F. Power of review. The Board of Alderman may utilize their power of review authority outlined in Article
III, §
26-8K for applications in this section.