MapLink™ | Procedures | Planned development - Modifications

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Planned development - Modifications
1. Subject to the application and review process for the preliminary development plan as previously specified in Subsection E, above, the approval of the preliminary development plan may provide for such exceptions from the above-referenced regulations and such additional requirements as may be necessary or desirable to achieve the objectives of the proposed planned development, provided that such exceptions are consistent with the standards and criteria contained in this section and have been specifically requested in the application for a planned development; and further, that no modification of the above-referenced regulations shall be allowed when such proposed modification would result in:
a. Inadequate or unsafe access to the planned development.
b. Traffic volumes exceeding the anticipated capacity of the proposed major street network in the vicinity.
c. An undue burden on public parks, recreation areas, schools, fire and police protection and other public facilities which serve or are proposed to serve the planned development.
d. A development which will be incompatible with the purposes of this article and this section.
e. Detrimental impact on surrounding area, including, but not limited to visual pollution.
2. The burden of proof that the criteria above are not being violated shall rest with the developer and not City staff or the Planning Commission.