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Planned development - Process
The planned development process involves at least two steps: the preliminary development plan, and the final development plan. In many cases, land will need to be subdivided in order to carry out a development plan. The subdivision process is a separate process and may run concurrently with or following the planned development process. Planned development applications may be initiated by the owners or authorized agents of any property affected. In addition to the general requirements in § 26-8, the following requirements are specific to planned development applications:

1. Preliminary development plan process. A preliminary development plan is a generalized development plan for the entire area proposed to be included within a planned development. The purpose of a preliminary development plan is to allow preliminary review of a proposed planned development before substantial technical work has been undertaken. A preliminary development plan shall include a minimum of 2.5 acres. However, as part of the review and approval process for the preliminary development plan, this minimum site size may be waived by the Board of Aldermen upon recommendation by the Planning Commission if the parcel in question has certain unique characteristics, such as, but not limited to, significant topographic change, significant trees or wooded areas, wetlands, floodplain areas, soil conditions, utility easements, or unusual shape or proportions; or, if it is determined that the use proposed is desirable or necessary in relationship to the surrounding neighborhood; or, if the Board of Aldermen should determine such waiver to be in the general public interest. Additions to previously approved preliminary development plans may be considered an amendment to that plan and do not require a minimum size.
a. Preapplication procedure. Preliminary development plan applications are subject to the requirements of § 26-8C. Such request shall include a brief and general narrative description of the nature, location and extent of the proposed planned development, and a list of any professional consultants advising the prospective applicant with respect to the proposed planned development. Upon receipt of such request, the City planning staff shall promptly schedule such a conference.
b. Application and submission requirements. In addition to the requirements of § 26-8A, applications shall be made in a form acceptable by the City Clerk.
(1) Forms. The application shall be signed by the applicant and shall state name and address. An application for a Planned Development District may be filed in the office of the City Clerk, for consideration by the Planning Commission and the Board of Aldermen. Such application may be filed any entity listed in § 26-8A.3. An application together with a complete preliminary development plan, including information outlined below, shall be considered not later than the second regular monthly meeting of the Planning Commission after all required documents are filed.
(2) Fee. Fees shall be applied according to § 26-8A.2.
(3) Preliminary development plan. A preliminary development plan shall be submitted with the application for a planned development. The preliminary development plan shall contain the information as set forth below. The scale of the drawing or drawings indicating the information required below shall be reasonably related to the site size and the complexity of the proposed development, and the scale shall in no event be smaller than one inch equals 50 feet. The applicant may be required to provide, at the applicant's expense, additional clarification and/or further detail of the site plan, as deemed necessary by the Planning Commission. All drawings shall indicate a project name, the names of adjoining streets, the applicant's name, a scale, a North arrow, the date drawn, and title of submission. The plan shall provide the following information and data:
(a) Site and landscape plan. One or a series of maps shall be submitted indicating:
(i) An out-boundary survey plat and legal description of the property.
(ii) The location, size, and height of all existing and proposed structures on the site.
(iii) The location and general design (dimensions and materials) of all driveways, curb cuts, and sidewalks, including connections to building entrances.
(iv) The location, area, and number of proposed parking spaces.
(v) Existing and proposed grades at an interval of two feet or less, extended beyond the project site to include adjacent properties and structures.
(vi) The location and general type of all existing trees over six-inch caliper and, in addition, an indication of those to be preserved.
(vii) The proposed general use and development of internal spaces, including all recreational and open space areas, plazas, and major landscaped areas by function, and the general location and description of all proposed outdoor furniture (seating, lighting, etc.).
(viii) A landscaping plan meeting the standards and requirements of Article V: Site and Landscape Design Standards.
(ix) The location and details of all retaining walls, fences (including privacy fences, etc.), and earth berms.
(x) The description and location of all refuse collection facilities, including screening to be provided.
(xi) Provisions for both on- and off-site stormwater drainage and detention related to the proposed development.
(xii) Proposed sign locations.
(b) Site and building sections. Schematic or illustrative sections shall be drawn to a scale of one inch equals eight feet or larger, indicating both edge conditions and internal grade changes in relation to principal variations of internal building levels and site line relations to adjacent structures.
(c) Typical elevations. Typical elevations of proposed buildings shall be drawn to a scale of one inch equals eight feet or larger or at a reasonable scale.
(d) Project data.
(i) Site area (square feet and acres).
(ii) Allocation of site area by building coverage, parking, loading and driveways, and open space areas, including total open space, recreation area, landscaped areas, and others.
(iii) Total dwelling units and floor area distributed by general type (one-bedroom, two-bedroom, etc.), and total floor area ratio and residential density distribution.
(iv) Floor area in nonresidential use by category and total floor area ratio.
(v) Calculations of parking spaces and area in relation to dwelling units and commercial floor area.
(vi) Base zoning district.
(e) Signature blocks.
(f) Project report. A brief project report shall be provided to include an explanation of the character of the proposed development, any modifications requested to the base zoning district along with reasoning for the request, verification of the applicant's ownership and contractual interest in the subject site, and anticipated development schedule. At the discretion of the Planning Commission and/or Board of Aldermen, analyses by qualified technical personnel or consultants may be required as to the market and financial feasibility, traffic impact, environmental impact, stormwater and erosion control, etc., of the proposed development.
(g) Phased development. If the planned development is proposed to be constructed in stages or units during a period extending beyond a single construction season, a development schedule indicating:
(i) The approximate dates when construction of the phases can be expected to begin and end.
(ii) The order in which the phases of the project will be built.
(iii) The minimum area and the approximate location of common open space and public improvements that will be required at each stage.
(iv) If any stage or unit as proposed contains a share of open space or other public or private recreation or service facility less than that which its size, number of units, or density would otherwise require, a statement shall be submitted setting forth what bond, credit, escrow or other assurance the applicant proposes in order to ensure that the difference between that which would otherwise be required and that which the applicant proposes to provide in the instant stage or unit is ultimately provided.
(v) Placement of all temporary structures utilized during construction, i.e., construction offices, siltation control devices, etc.
c. Review procedure.
(1) Staff review. Preliminary development plans will be reviewed in accordance with § 26-8D. The Director of Public Services shall coordinate a review of the application by appropriate City departments. Once the review is complete, notice of a public hearing will be provided in accordance with § 26-8E.
(2) Planning Commission review. After consideration of the application and staff report, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing in accordance with § 26-8F. The Planning Commission shall make a report to the Board of Aldermen considering the criteria of § 26-10C (Objectives and standards for approval) of this article and considering the impact of such proposed building or use upon the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, public utility facilities, and other matters pertaining to the general public health, safety, and welfare of the City. The findings and recommendation of the Planning Commission shall be transmitted to the Board of Aldermen. If the Planning Commission's recommendation is for approval, its report shall contain the conditions or restrictions recommended by the Planning Commission with respect to the preliminary development plan.
d. Protest petition. If a written protest against a proposed Zoning Map or text change duly signed, notarized, and acknowledged by the owners of more than 30% or more of the areas of the land (exclusive of streets and alleys) included in such proposed change, or within an area determined by lines drawn parallel to and 185 feet distant from the boundaries of the district or area proposed to be changed or to be affected by a text change is filed in the office of the City Clerk within 15 days of the date of the conclusion of the Board of Aldermen public hearing, such revision or amendment shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of two-thirds of all of the members of the Board of Aldermen.
e. Board of Aldermen review and action.
(1) Before acting upon any application for a planned development, the Board of Aldermen shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation within the City notice of the meeting at least 15 days, but not more than 30 days. The Board of Aldermen may refer the application back to the Planning Commission for additional study before making its final decision. No additional public notice is required to be given. The Board may take any action outlined in § 26-8G. Planned developments shall require a majority vote by the Board of Aldermen.
(2) If the preliminary development plan is approved by the Board of Aldermen, it shall adopt a resolution approving the preliminary development plan with conditions as specified therein and authorizing the preparation of the final development plan. Simultaneously, with approval of the preliminary plan, the Board of Aldermen shall adopt an ordinance rezoning the site. Such ordinance shall become effective upon approval of the final development plan.

2. Final development plan. Within nine months following approval of the preliminary development plan, but at least 30 days before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission, the petitioner shall submit a final development plan to the Planning Commission for its review and consideration to determine if the final development plan is in conformance with the approved preliminary development plan and with the imposed conditions of approval. The final development plan shall reflect the entire planned development if it is to be completed in one phase, or a phase of the planned development if it consists of more than one phase. In the event that any proposed final development plan is submitted more than nine months after approval of the preliminary development plan, the matter shall be referred to the Board of Aldermen for reconsideration of the preliminary development plan approval.
a. Final development plan requirements.
(1) Site and landscape plan. One or a series of maps shall be submitted indicating:
(a) All matters shown on the preliminary development plan.
(b) The existing and proposed contours.
(c) A landscaping plan meeting the standards and requirements of Article V: Site and Landscape Design Standards.
(d) Nature of use, including conditional uses permitted.
(e) All structures, present and future, specifying location, size, and architectural elevation, none of which may deviate substantially from the approved preliminary development plan.
(f) Sidewalks.
(g) Parking spaces, including underground parking and traffic aisles.
(h) Method of disposal of trash and garbage.
(i) Ingress and egress facilities.
(j) Parking facilities for visitors.
(k) Plan for the provision of water and sanitary and stormwater drainage facilities.
(l) All easements and dedications.
(m) Proposed locations of any signs and their type.
(n) A lighting plan meeting the standards and requirements of § 26-23 (Site lighting) of this chapter.
(o) All other information which the Planning Commission and the Board of Aldermen may designate.
b. Final development plan review procedure.
(1) An application in compliance with § 26-8A.1 and § 26-8A.2 by an applicant qualified under § 26-8A.3.a, along with a complete final development plan, conforming to the requirements of § 26-10E.2 of this article, shall be considered by the Planning Commission at a public meeting no sooner than 30 days and no later than 120 days after the filing of the completed application.
(2) Staff review. The final development plan shall be reviewed in accordance with § 26-8D. The Director of Public Services shall also coordinate a review of the application by appropriate City departments. The final development plan shall conform to the preliminary development plan. If the final development plan does not conform to the preliminary development plan, or if the conditions of the preliminary development plan approval are not adequately met, the final development plan shall not be approved by staff.
(3) Following approval of the final development plan, it shall be recorded at the applicant's expense with the St. Louis County Recorder of Deeds, and a reproducible Mylar of such recorded plan furnished to the Director of Public Services. Any bonds, escrows, or letters of credit required to insure completion of required improvements or open space indicated on the final development plan shall be filed with the City prior to the issuance of any building permits.
c. Appeal. Appeal of staff's decision can be made to the Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 26-8H. Appeal of Planning, Zoning, and Architectural Review Commission's decision can be made to the Board of Aldermen in accordance with the procedures outlined in § 26-8H.