MapLink™ | Procedures | Applications and fees

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Applications and fees
Forms. Applications required under this Code shall be submitted to the Director of Public Services. The Director of Public Services is authorized to modify the application forms and submittal requirements as deemed necessary in the Director of Public Services' discretion.

Fees. Applications shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee established by the Board of Aldermen. Any application that does not include the required fee shall be returned to the applicant as incomplete. Fees shall not be required with applications initiated by the staff, Planning Commission, or Board of Aldermen.

Eligible applicants. The following are eligible for each particular application under this Code:
a. Owner. The record owner of property impacted by the application, that owner's authorized agent, or owner under contract. In the case of an application requiring a public hearing, and for the purposes of the right to appeal or protest, all those receiving mailed notice shall be considered owners impacted by the application.
b. Planning Commission. The Planning Commission, acting on its own initiative according to its bylaws and rules of procedure.
c. Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen acting on its own initiative according to its bylaws and rules of procedure.